The SF Prisma Loading System series offers deburring, rounding and smoothing in a single processing stage, in a very short time and without detriment to the contours of the workpiece. In the SF-PLS (Prisma Loading System) proven OTEC processes meet simple automation. Only the processing task must be selected, the machine does automatically the process parameter selection for every tool. The prismatic pallets used enable quick loading and unloading of tools, regardless of diameter.
- Loading the machine with unordered, diameter-independent tool batches
- Fully automatic workpiece removal and return
- For a wide range of tool parameters such as tool length and diameter
- Simple programming for different batch sizes such as large, small or regrinding batches
New machine software
In addition to the standard software, which enables full control over all process para-meters, the SF-PLS has flexible operation modus. This makes use of the OTEC stream finishing teams’ decades of experience. Only the processing task must be selected. The SF-PLS takes the diameter recognition, parameter selection and automatic loading.
Check out the video below.